Style Retreat
Julia Green opened her beautiful home to six deserving individuals where she taught all the participants everything she knew about styling, running a business as a stylist, pitching your ideas/images to magazines and bloggers and creating a portfolio. This weekend entailed the attendees to work in a team and follow a brief to create stunning images with a professional photographer. The images were the result of this weekend and were published on both Interiors Addict and Dot + Pop.
Concept & Styling : Aisha Chaudhry (@interiordesignstein), Alexandra Carter (@harlow_willow), Chelsea Ellis (@hallocameo), Hannah Amos (@hannahandclint), Jennifer Harrison and Sally Humphries (yet to join Instagram)
Style Assist: Sara Huckett (@lennoxrdinteriors)
Photographer : Stephanie Rooney
Location : Barwon Heads Homes
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